Terms and conditions


Šibenik Outdoor Adventure, Company for adventure tourism Terms and Conditions (below written as Company).

This General Terms and Conditions are a component part of the agreement between Šibenik Outdoor Adventure, Rogoznička 2, 22000 Šibenik, OIB 02910877965 and the customer/client and defines the rights and obligations of all parties involved.

Šibenik Outdoor Adventure guarantee the execution of the tours and programes. The Client is obligated to provide any information which is required for the reservation process. These terms & conditions apply to all the tours offered on this website.

All credit card payments are secured and protected to the highest possible security levels provided by WS Pay system.


By making an ONLINE reservation/booking via the Šibenik Outdoor Adventure web page booking system, you are expected to pay the full amount at once for all the products. Once you go to checkout and click pay now, you will get a confirmation email, with trip details and your ticket.

The payment via ONLINE reservation/booking system is done only with Credit Card, if you desire to pay by Bank transfer, please contact us directly.


The price for half-day, one-day and multi day excursions usually includes (unless otherwise
stated in the program) transportation, activities included in the program ( via ferrata, running, trail running, camping, sport climbing, hiking, etc.) with all the equipment and guide provided. The price does not include (unless otherwise stated in the program) extra trips, personal expenses and drinks with all meals.

The Company reserves the right to make modifications to the prices made public in case of drastic changes in transport prices and other services. The prices of our tour are listed in HRK – which is the official Croatian currency. However, while booking you can chose whether to pay in EURO or HRK. The system will show you both of the prices.


ALL cancellations must be in writing – by e-mail.

If the Client should cancel or abort the booked tour, all Client’s cancellations must be in writing. By e-mail. The written cancellation date shall be the basis for the compensation of cancellation costs. As per conditions set below (percentage of total arrangement price):

  • 8 or more days prior to arrival: 0%
  • 2-7 days prior to arrival: 50%
  • 1 day prior to arrival or no show: 100%
  • Failing to make appearance and travel without prior cancellation shall entitle the T Company to withhold 100% of the payment made regardless of the reason for cancellation.


Our tours itineraries are subject to change depending on group abilities and preferences but also weather conditions, water levels, other acts of God, special events of interest and similar. For Client’s safety and comfort reasons, the Company reserves the right to alternate program without prior notice. In case of major changes or cancellations of a specific program booked by the Client, the Company will advise the Client as soon as possible and provide the following options:

  • Client may accept a new departure date or destination
  • Client may accept a replacement package/excursion of equivalent or closely similar itinerary
  • Client may cancel his/her booking altogether and receive a full refund of the money paid

It is your duty to inform us about your decision within 3 days of the offer. If the Client doesn`t do that, the Company will book a replacement tour.


Changes in registration and booking of transfers have to be reported to the Company by e-mail sibenikoutdooradventure@gmail.com or by phone +385 91 884 9271. The Company reserves the right to change prices in case of changes in the number of passengers. Prices are defined and based on calculation of minimal number of passengers of 2.


We reschedule the activity in case of extreme weather conditions, extraordinary circumstances, which could not have been foreseen or avoided, or have occurred immediately. The activity is than rescheduled for a day or two – prior or after the date booked. If the change is not possible, the payments will be refunded in full amount.


Šibenik Outdoor Adventure tours include insurance policy made by Croatia insurance company.

According to Croatian Law of providing services in Tourism.


During the booking process all our guests are asked for some personal information – which is never shared with a third party and is used only by the Šibenik Outdoor Adventure owner.


Please contact your tour leader/guide or representative immediately if the tour services are incomplete or executed below standard. We will considered the refund claims as invalid unless the Company was notified on time. Please send all refund claims to the Trade in written within 7 days of the completion of the trip.

The Client is entitled to compensation in the amount of real value of services that have not been provided. All and any possible disputes shall be settled at a Šibenik based court


You have the right to judicial arbitration. The Client and the Trade will aim to settle possible law suits. Agreements not reached, become subject of the Šibenik Court jurisdiction – under the authority of the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

Podaci o prodajnom mjestu:

Šibenik Outdoor Adventure, obrt za pustolovni turizam
Matični broj obrta 97989231, Obrtni registar Republike Hrvatske, Šibensko-kninska županija, Upravni odjel za gospodarstvo
OIB 2910877965
Rogoznička 2, 22 000 Šibenik, Hrvatska
+385 91 884 9271

IBAN HR67 2340 0091 1605 6124 6

Proizvodi i/ili usluge:

Via ferrata Čikola
400 kn ( u cijenu uključeno: oprema, osiguranje i planinarski vodič, prijevoz po potrebi)

Trgovac je dužan mogućem kupcu osigurati tehnička sredstva za prepoznavanje i ispravljanje pogrešnog unosa podataka prije završetka kupovine. Ugovorne odredbe i odredbe općih uvjeta poslovanja ugovora sklopljenih u elektroničkom obliku moraju biti dostupne kupcima na način da im je omogućeno njihovo spremanje, ponovno korištenje i reproduciranje.

Zaštita osobnih podataka i podataka o karticama
Bez obzira koji način spajanja radi, trgovac bi trebao štititi podatke kupca kako osobne tako i podatke o karticama. NAJSTROŽE je zabranjeno spremanje podataka o karticama ukoliko trgovac nije certificiran PCI DSS standardima L1 ili L2.

Upis podataka mora uvijek biti zaštićen SSL-om 256 bitne enkripcije a sami prijenos se može odvijati jedino po TLS 1.2 enkripciji.

Izjava o zaštiti i prikupljanju osobnih podataka i njihovom korištenju
Šibenik Outdoor Adventure] obavezuje se pružati zaštitu osobnim podacima kupaca, na način da prikuplja samo nužne, osnovne podatke o kupcima/ korisnicima koji su nužni za ispunjenje naših obveza; informira kupce o načinu korištenja prikupljenih podataka, redovito daje kupcima mogućnost izbora o upotrebi njihovih podataka, uključujući mogućnost odluke žele li ili ne da se njihovo ime ukloni s lista koje se koriste za marketinške kampanje. Svi se podaci o korisnicima strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo djelatnicima kojima su ti podaci nužni za obavljanje posla. Svi djelatnici Šibenik Outdoor Adventure i poslovni partneri odgovorni su za poštivanje načela zaštite privatnosti.

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.

Izjava o zaštiti prijenosa osobnih podataka

Zaštita osobnih podataka u skladu sa Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća broj 2016/679-Uredba te provedbe Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka.

WSPay kao izvršitelj provođenja autorizacije i naplate kreditnih kartica postupa s osobnim podacima u svojstvu izvršitelja obrade te sa osobnim podacima postupa u skladu sa Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća broj 2016/679 te prema strogim pravilima PCI DSS L1 regulative o zaštititi upisa i prijenosa podataka.

WSPay koristi SSL certifikat 256 bitne enkripcije te TLS 1.2 kriptografski protokol kao najviše stupnjeve zaštite kod upisa i prijenosa podataka.

Osobni podaci koji se koriste u svrhu autorizacije i naplate odnosno u izvršavanja obveza iz Ugovora ili temeljem Ugovora, smatraju se povjerljivim podacima.

Za izvršenje Ugovora (autorizacije i naplate) potrebni su sljedeći osobni podaci kupca:

Ime i prezime
Poštanski broj
Vrsta kartice
Broj kartice
Vrijeme trajanja kartice
CVV kod kartice
WSPay ove osobne podatke ne obrađuje niti koristi osim u svrhe izvršenja ugovora autorizacije i naplate.

WSPay jamči ispunjavanje svih uvjeta određenih važećim propisima o zaštiti osobnih podataka za izvršitelje obrade osobnih podataka, a osobito poduzimanje svih potrebnih tehničkih, organizacijskih i sigurnosnih mjera a to naročito potvrđuje i PCI DSS L1 certifikatom.

Izjava o korištenju WSPay-a

Šibenik Outdoor Adventure koristi WSPay za online plaćanja.

WSPay je siguran sustav za online plaćanje, plaćanje u realnom vremenu, kreditnim i debitnim karticama te drugim načinima plaćanja. WSPay kupcu i trgovcu osiguravaju siguran upis i prijenos upisanih podataka o karticama što podvrđuje i PCI DSS certifikat koji WSPay ima. WSPay koristi SSL certifikat 256 bitne enkripcije te TLS 1.2 kriptografski protokol kao najviše stupnjeve zaštite kod upisa i prijenosa podataka.


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